2017 Empire Path Revamp

Empire of the Wolf Super Secret Path Revamp Ideas.

I would like to break down some of the changes i would like to propose into 3 steps.
Step 1 - Current issues with Paths
Step 2 - Changes to Path Ranking
Step 2 - Changes to Rank Requirements & Tokens
Step 3 - Path Specific changes & New Paths

Current Issues with Paths

  • Token Devaluation at high ranks
    • Currently, after a certain rank is achieved, tokens suffer from a fractioning, or devaluation, thus taking longer to progress through. I would like to eliminate this fraction. The reason for this is I have always viewed the Paths as a form of stepping stone to prepare a member for an Order. So making higher path ranks difficult or horribly time consuming to obtain isnt as important as getting them into an active Order-based Role. With this removal of fractions some token requirements will change, though not very much.
  • Complexity when recording
    • The current devaluation requires some math that increases the amount of time it takes to record tokens. It is also confusing to ealdorman trying to record tokens that have not been trained on how to use it.
  • How to Improve Path system.
    • Step 1 - Eliminate Token Devaluation (Fractioning)
    • Step 2 - Change Path Ranking and how it is awarded (Simplify)
    • Step 3 - Change Rank requirements (Simplify)
    • Step 4 - After simplifying through the above changes - Provide Training for Ealdorman

Step 1 Changes to Path Ranking

I would like to make the following changes to path Ranking. I would like to reduce the number of ranks to 3. The ranks would be Journeyman, Veteran & Elite.

  • Journeyman would be attainable by everyone
  • Veteran so long as the member has been doing it long enough.
  • I would like to see Elite be kind of difficult to obtain, requiring attention to detail and completing a number of trials.

Rank Award Details

  • Journeyman would be awarded mainly by Drottins & Hertogis (though Nobility and the Crown could also award them) at local Thyngs.
  • Veteran would be awarded mainly by Hertogis and the Crown at Thyngs, Sumble and Althyng. (Though Nobility can also award this rank)
  • Elite would be recognized by a "medium scroll" (8.5"x11") at Althyng, Sumble or Court by the Crown. (3 Ealdorman can award this rank as well [i.e. all three sign the mini-scroll], so long as one of them is a Hertogi or Haldmann+)
    • After the initial awarding period, i would prefer that Veteran only be awarded at Althyng and Sumble and Elite rank exclusively awarded at Court.

These three ranks would be the officially recognized Empire Ranks. However, Houses could develop additional ranks within their house that would fall between the 3 prime ranks. The House would determine requirements and tests for the special ranks and would award them at Thyng or Althyng.

My hope for this change in ranking would create additional opportunities for Role play and more business to have at meetings. It would also entice members to attend Thyngs and Althyngs more regularly and also entice house leaders to hold thyngs and althyngs more regularly.

Here is a more detailed explanation of each rank:

  1. Journeyman - Determined by your local House Leader. A trial is required to obtain this Rank, but they can be bypassed by the Ealdorman or Crown if deemed necessary.
    • This rank is awarded at a local Thyng by the House Leader. A mini-Scroll (Printed 4"x5.5" parchments, 1/2 8.5x11) is awarded to the member. The scroll contains the related path Title, member's Name and House Leader's mark, as well as any wording/comments the house leader would like to include. This scroll can be printed and quite simple. (It can be accented by a scribe if the house leader deems it necessary)
  2. Veteran - Determined by a Hertogi or Nobleman. A trial is usually required to obtain this rank.
    • This rank is awarded at Thyng, All-Thyng, Court or Symbel. A mini-scroll is awarded to the member. This scroll can be printed but should have some form of scribe accent included. The scroll should contain The Path Rank, Member name, 1 Ealdorman Signature, and possibly some form of personal message to the member. (Awarding this rank at Thyngs should be kept to a minimum.)
  3. Elite - A Rare Rank awarded to members by at least 3 separate Ealdorman or a member of the Crown.
    • A fully scribed mini-Scroll is awarded for this Rank. It is presented to the member at High Court by the Crown or the three Ealdorman. (One Ealdorman must be of high-ranking Nobility either a Hertogi or Haldmann or above.)

Exceptions to the Rule of 3.

  1. House Specific Ranking - Houses are free to develop their own rankings that fit between the 3 official ranks. How they are awarded and tested is up to the House.
  2. Spirit Paths - Spirit paths have a number of challenge levels to complete in any order. They are meant to be fun, and have a lot for you to do to complete them. Spirit paths usually have 5 ranks.
    • Spirit path ranks are not awarded with a Scroll. (See the related spirit path for rank confirmation and mark)

I would also like to change how ranks are recognized.

  • I would like to award a mini-scroll for Empire Ranks. This will provide a bit of recognition and acknowledgement for the member. A mini-scroll would be 1/2 of an 8x11 sheet of parchment.
  • The Mini-scroll would be awarded at Thyngs held by local leaders.
    • Mini-scrolls would be signed by who awards it. So if a drottin awards someone A Journeyman rank, the drottin would sign it.
  • Having mini-scrolls awarded regularly will enhance the affect of a High Court Scroll. Because the High Court Scroll will be much larger and fully hand-written. (Mini-scrolls will have a varying amount of Hand writing based on Rank)

Step 3 - Changes to Rank Requirements & Tokens

Eliminate Token Devaluation: I would like to begin this discussion by talking about Tokens. Currently, after a certain rank is achieved, tokens suffer from a fractioning, or devaluation, thus taking longer to progress through. I would like to eliminate this fraction. The reason for this is I have always viewed the Paths as a form of stepping stone to prepare a member for an Order. So making higher path ranks difficult or horribly time consuming to obtain isnt as important as getting them into an active Order-based Role. With this removal of fractions some token requirements will change, though not very much.

Simplify Rank Requirements The next part is to remove some of the more specific, and challenging, rank requirements into related orders. I have always wanted Orders to have rankings within the order, and moving some of the more challenging requirements into those rankings makes a lot more sense.
Waive-able Requirements - Some Requirements can be waived by Ealdorman. This is strictly on a case by case basis and should result consultation by the Crown.

For example:

  • Guardsman - Serving as master of the watch should be more of an Iron Shield requirement over a Guardsman Path Requirement. Guardsman Vigils are also something i think belongs in the Iron Shield over the path. (Though i left one in the Path at Elite Rank)
  • Crafting - Teaching at Events and taking on Apprentices really belongs in the Maestari Order. Seeing as the Maestari Order desperately needs development, i see this as a win on both sides.
    • Also, Craft Tokens should be awarded based on a centralized value of time to craft. So a Small chain necklace might be worth 1 token, where a Chain Hauberk is worth 5-10 Tokens. This would be based heavily on the specific Craft, and would require help from Craft Masters & the Maestari. For those that have not benefited from this, i hope to review their crafting reports and award any additional tokens when necessary.
  • Of course, Anything people have already done will get moved with the respective changes. Nothing gets reset.

**Proper training for Ealdorman* Proper training for Ealdorman on how to record Tokens. This may require some classes, but without the math that used to be involved, I foresee it being easier to award tokens for all Non-Jostal Ealdorman out there. :)
I volunteer to host such training classes. The Internet can be quite useful for this.

Step 4 - Path Specifics

This is the step where we discuss specific path changes and the addition of new paths.

I would first like to talk about Servitude. I would like to change this path into a leadership measurement Path. So basically the only time a servitude token would be awarded is if you serve as a Herald or Marshall. How i defined Marshall is as follows.

  • Marshaling - Head of Something, either Master of the Watch, Master Bodyguard, Head of Camp clean up, Kitchen head, head cook, Autocrat, Head Weapons Check, Tournament Marshall, Warcrat, hold an administrative station for at least 6 months (Drottin, Hertogi, Hand (Per Yr), Shield, Champion (per yr), Crown, etc,)

2017 empire paths simplified

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